Electroculture, good vibrations for plant growth.
Magnetoculture - Energetic agriculture or Electro agriculture
Electroculture, Natural energetic forces to increase fertility of the land
Earth and Cosmic energies
Electricity & Magnetism
Agricultural applications for soil fertility, healthy crops and increase yields.

This english electroculture website is not so up to date as my french website. You can visite my french website and easely translate by pushing the translation button on the pages. You will also find lots more products on the pages and I send all over the world;
You will find also a lot more up to date information on my original french website : http://www.electroculturevandoorne.com/
Electroculture is a group of techniques that uses electricity and magnetism to assist plant growth. Plants are sensitive to electricity and magnetism. Improved plant growth, quality and increased yields, are some of the noticeable effects. The technology can also be used to protect plants from pests and diseases.
Electroculture synonymous with magnetoculture are generic terms used to describe an assortment of techniques designed to amplify and focus magnetic and natural electric forces of nature to boost soil fertility, and plant growth. In Nature magnetic and electrical forces always manifest conjointly. Magnetoculture refers more specifically to magnetic influences and electroculture to electric influences on plant growth and soil fertility.
Electroculture and magnetoculture are based on a synthesis of recent discoveries in the field of Agriculture encompassing cosmic and telluric energies, electricity and magnetism.
Photo : Giant Sunflowers growing in my garden in 2009. This garden has magnetic bees wax capacitors dug in at several places around them to increase the magnetism and earth electricity locally to benefit the plants and soil.
Electroculture is the field of using electricity, electrical fields and currents to help soil fertility, plant growth and development. The electricity can be from natural or people-made sources. I choose to work exclusively with natural sources of magnetic and electric energy.
You will find also a lot more up to date information on my original french website : http://www.electroculturevandoorne.com/
Electroculture is a group of techniques that uses electricity and magnetism to assist plant growth. Plants are sensitive to electricity and magnetism. Improved plant growth, quality and increased yields, are some of the noticeable effects. The technology can also be used to protect plants from pests and diseases.
Electroculture synonymous with magnetoculture are generic terms used to describe an assortment of techniques designed to amplify and focus magnetic and natural electric forces of nature to boost soil fertility, and plant growth. In Nature magnetic and electrical forces always manifest conjointly. Magnetoculture refers more specifically to magnetic influences and electroculture to electric influences on plant growth and soil fertility.
Electroculture and magnetoculture are based on a synthesis of recent discoveries in the field of Agriculture encompassing cosmic and telluric energies, electricity and magnetism.
Photo : Giant Sunflowers growing in my garden in 2009. This garden has magnetic bees wax capacitors dug in at several places around them to increase the magnetism and earth electricity locally to benefit the plants and soil.
Electroculture is the field of using electricity, electrical fields and currents to help soil fertility, plant growth and development. The electricity can be from natural or people-made sources. I choose to work exclusively with natural sources of magnetic and electric energy.
Video below : Regularly Yannick Van Doorne make live videos to respond to the questions, explaining the different techniques and show you new testimonials about electroculture. Follow him on the social networks and youtube to be informed on time.
Video : 47 minutes, 8 june 2022 : Presentation of some basic electroculture techniques developed by agronomist Yannick Van Doorne.
Introduction to Electroculture, history, applications, science, magnetic antenna, round tower, atmospheric antenna
Introduction to Electroculture, history, applications, science, magnetic antenna, round tower, atmospheric antenna
Video : Video interview on "Always good news" on Canadian TV.
Presentation in english and german, made in Austria in 2013. Michael Wüst was the translator of my presentations, he learned like this and after he made his own presentations in German
Presentation in english and german, made in Austria in 2013. Michael Wüst was the translator of my presentations, he learned like this and after he made his own presentations in German
Video : Présentation about electroculture, from Yannick Van Doorne, in Vermont, at the north american dowsers convention from 2010.
Many farmers know the benefit of electrically charged rain water from thunderstorms or the fertility of paramagnetic rock dust such as the kind you find in enormous quantities in the very fertile soils on and around volcanoes. This type of naturally occurring Magnetoculture inspires me to develop new techniques.
Techniques of Electroculture have been developed through the ages with the use of antennas, magnets, pyramids, sounds, electric wires, natural batteries, magnetically or electrically charged rock dust and paramagnetic rock dust to improve crops in agriculture.
Some of these techniques have had such good results that they doubled crop yields. Sometimes they are even used to improve weather conditions and decrease the force of storms or to bring rain to parched fields.
The energies are applied to the seeds, plants, soil or to the water and nutrients.
The application of magnetism, the cosmic and telluric energies, charged water, and sound can stimulate the growth of plants to a great extent.
This little-known technology can accelerate growth rates, increase yields, and improve crop quality. It can protect plants from diseases, insects and frost. These methods can also reduce the need for fertilisers or pesticides.
Farmers can grow bigger and better crops in less time, with less effort, and at a lower cost.
You can download bottom of page a pdf essay on magnetoculture and a seven page summary of electroculture for your information.
Yannick Van Doorne is engeneer in agriculture and biotechnology and has more then 15 years experience and know how about the applications of electroculture and the influence of electromagnetism on plant growth and development, water and soil fertility.
Photo : The sunflowers grew even bigger and one month later there were huge sunflowers with heads like you see in the bottom left corner, heads of more then 50 cm diameter.
Techniques of Electroculture have been developed through the ages with the use of antennas, magnets, pyramids, sounds, electric wires, natural batteries, magnetically or electrically charged rock dust and paramagnetic rock dust to improve crops in agriculture.
Some of these techniques have had such good results that they doubled crop yields. Sometimes they are even used to improve weather conditions and decrease the force of storms or to bring rain to parched fields.
The energies are applied to the seeds, plants, soil or to the water and nutrients.
The application of magnetism, the cosmic and telluric energies, charged water, and sound can stimulate the growth of plants to a great extent.
This little-known technology can accelerate growth rates, increase yields, and improve crop quality. It can protect plants from diseases, insects and frost. These methods can also reduce the need for fertilisers or pesticides.
Farmers can grow bigger and better crops in less time, with less effort, and at a lower cost.
You can download bottom of page a pdf essay on magnetoculture and a seven page summary of electroculture for your information.
Yannick Van Doorne is engeneer in agriculture and biotechnology and has more then 15 years experience and know how about the applications of electroculture and the influence of electromagnetism on plant growth and development, water and soil fertility.
Photo : The sunflowers grew even bigger and one month later there were huge sunflowers with heads like you see in the bottom left corner, heads of more then 50 cm diameter.
Electroculture, Pyramids, Magnetism,
A collection of amazing techniques
to transform present day agriculture and gardening practices.

I want to thank you all very much, all the participants and organizers of the Eternal Knowledge Festival 2012 and the presentations at Over the Moon festival 2012.
I want to thank each of you for your support, encouragements and enlightening testimonials and knowledge we all shared together.
I will definitely write a book for you now, to share all the details and knowledge I've built up over the years. I hope this will be usefull for many of us. Thank you again for all your encouragement and support, with the help of each of us we can achieve big change, we can make the world a happier place. All the knowledge is ready to enlighten us, we just need the modesty to listen and receive and do what we have to do to follow our inner guidance to make the best choices in each of our own occupations.
In next few days, you will be able to access more information on this site : Including e-books and articles about electroculture, pyramids and much more.
Video below : Complete presentation at the Over the Moon festival 2012.
Below, some pictures from during workshops about electroculture in Germany, Austria and France :

Eternal knowledge festival. 27 to 29 th April 2012 on Holy Hills, Thorington, Suffolk, England.
I will present electroculture techniques in detail how to use in agriculture and in your garden. Results, photos, practical exemples of what you can do to improve your yields, growth and healthy plants.
Visit the site and come to this new exciting event.
I will be glad to meet you.
Visit : http://www.eternal-knowledge.co.uk/
I will present electroculture techniques in detail how to use in agriculture and in your garden. Results, photos, practical exemples of what you can do to improve your yields, growth and healthy plants.
Visit the site and come to this new exciting event.
I will be glad to meet you.
Visit : http://www.eternal-knowledge.co.uk/
Presentation at Guelph Organic conference 2011

You can find a summary of the proceedings bottom page, of the presentation about electroculture at Guelph University of Canada.
This was the first big event presentation about electroculture in Canada since several decades. Interesting fact is that in the seventies, more precisely 1976, on my birth year, there was a company existing called "Pyramid Electroculture Company" from Gilbert Milne that did some research about it and sold several systems in the region of Guelph. He also initiated some experiments with a professor at Guelph university of his systems. I didn't know this before but life synchronicities brought me to Guelph from Europe to do a presentation about Electroculture. This was a very nice new beginning for the development of electroculture in Canada.
The local TV station interviewed me for the programme "Always Good News". Isn't it a nice interview to begin with to discover electroculture?
Below you see the title and short summary of the conference at the organic conference at Guelph University.
it was a huge succes. The room wasn't big enough to accommodate everyone and people had to stan outside the door to listen.
Thank you to all, Canada, to make this happen.
This was the first big event presentation about electroculture in Canada since several decades. Interesting fact is that in the seventies, more precisely 1976, on my birth year, there was a company existing called "Pyramid Electroculture Company" from Gilbert Milne that did some research about it and sold several systems in the region of Guelph. He also initiated some experiments with a professor at Guelph university of his systems. I didn't know this before but life synchronicities brought me to Guelph from Europe to do a presentation about Electroculture. This was a very nice new beginning for the development of electroculture in Canada.
The local TV station interviewed me for the programme "Always Good News". Isn't it a nice interview to begin with to discover electroculture?
Below you see the title and short summary of the conference at the organic conference at Guelph University.
it was a huge succes. The room wasn't big enough to accommodate everyone and people had to stan outside the door to listen.
Thank you to all, Canada, to make this happen.
Articles and books to download.
Below you find a series of pdf articles and books you can download.
There are many videos on my youtube and odysee channel too.
I recommend the book "Sacred Mission" of Matteo Tavera, he was one of the first pionneers of the organic mouvement in the seventies in France, he is cofounder of the association "Nature et Progrès". His book is very enlightening with his vision and observations of electricity, electromagnetism in nature, how animals, plants and nature gain their energy and communication.
"The Pyramid" by Les Brown is also very interesting for those among us who want to experiment with pyramids in their homes and gardens. He goes into great depth in this book and there are many illustrations and pictures to make it easier for you to replicate and conduct your own experiments
I hope you will share your experiments after reading these books.
Best wishes and discoveries,
There are many videos on my youtube and odysee channel too.
I recommend the book "Sacred Mission" of Matteo Tavera, he was one of the first pionneers of the organic mouvement in the seventies in France, he is cofounder of the association "Nature et Progrès". His book is very enlightening with his vision and observations of electricity, electromagnetism in nature, how animals, plants and nature gain their energy and communication.
"The Pyramid" by Les Brown is also very interesting for those among us who want to experiment with pyramids in their homes and gardens. He goes into great depth in this book and there are many illustrations and pictures to make it easier for you to replicate and conduct your own experiments
I hope you will share your experiments after reading these books.
Best wishes and discoveries,

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